Rentals & Services > Mobile Stages
RMR offers Stageline mobile truck stages. Tough, safe and economical, Stageline stages are built and field-tested by production professionals to meet your most demanding and varied outdoor projects. Promoters and festival organizers all agree that the mobile stage is a wonderful evolution in the world of outdoor music. These systems require less labor to install and dismantle than traditional ground support systems and are 100% fail-proof with no recorded accidents in wind and rain.

SL 250 / 260
32’x28’(56’x32’with extension decks)
Comes with compete rain-proofing, full height wind-walls, and downstage canopies to insure that your act and gear stay dry. The SL 250 boasts a load-bearing roof capacity up to18,500 lbs for lights and sound. This unit is a longtime favorite of promoters for its efficient installation, taking only 1.5 hours with 2 stagehands . All units are engineered to withstand 90 mph winds.
SL 320
40’x40’ (72’x40’ with extension decks)
This unit is great for mid size touring acts with a load bearing capacity of 26,000lbs for lights and sound. Comes with complete rain-proofing, full height wind walls, and downstage canopy to insure that your act and gear stay dry. The SL 320 can be set up in as little as 2.5 hours with 3 stagehands. All units are engineered to withstand 90 mph winds.

SAM 550
50’x40’ (90’x56’ with extension decks and covered wings)
The SAM is great for larger tours and productions with a load bearing capacity of 42,000 lbs of rigging. This product is rain proof with full height wind walls, and downstage canopy to insure that your act and gear stay dry. The SAM 550 can be installed in 5 hours with 4 stagehands. The SAM 550 is certified and stamped by professional engineers in every state and province.